An echocardiogram, also called an echocardiography test or echo test, is a procedure that uses ultrasound imaging to produce pictures of the heart.  An ultrasound uses high pitched sound waves that are sent through a hand-held device called a transducer probe to create a picture of the inside of the body.  An echocardiogram is a graphic outline of the heart’s movement that provides pictures and possibly a videotape of the heart’s valves and chambers.  The pictures can be used to help the doctor evaluate the size of the heart, the thickness of the heart walls, the structure and performance of the heart's valves, and the heart’s pumping actions


An echocardiogram is used to look at the overall function of the heart and how well it is doing.  Dr. Mohin can use the echocardiogram to detect any signs of heart disease.  It is also used to follow the progress of any existing heart conditions or heart disease that the patient may have.

Other reasons for a echocardiogram test:

  • Assessing heart murmur
  • To examine unexplained chest pain
  • Assessing heart after heart attack
  • Diagnosing chest infections 
  • Evaluating heart valve problems 
  • Detect blood clots


No specific preparations are needed for an echocardiogram test.  Patients can eat, drink, and take medications as they normally would.


An echocardiogram test is done by a trained and experienced cardiac sonographer.  During an echocardiogram test, the patient will be asked to remove their clothing from the waist up and will be given a gown to wear.  The sonographer will place three sticky patches called electrodes onto the chest area.  The electrodes are connected to an electrocardiograph monitor (EKG), which measures the heart’s electrical activity during the test. The patient will be asked to lie on their left side or back on the examination table.  The sonographer will then apply a clear gel on the chest area.  They’ll press the probe against the skin and move it around the chest area.  The heart’s movement can be seen on the monitor, as the ultrasound waves take pictures of the heart and valves.  After the test, the sonographer will remove the gel from the chest area and the scan images are scent to a computer and recorded for Dr. Mohin.  An echocardiogram is a painless process that takes about one hour.


Dr. Mohin is a highly reviewed and accredited cardiologist with his own state-of-the-art testing facility comprised of in-house equipment.  Whether you need an echocardiogram test or an annual heart screening, Dr. Mohin can provide the most complete and thorough care.  His dedicated staff is here to answer any questions, so that you can put your mind at ease.  Need to make an appointment?  Call us at (310) 659-9572, or click here to make an appointment online.